The Web Witch's Blog

Latest on the blog

I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life


  1. Hello world...
    welcome browser life
  2. First thoughts & musings on playing with CSS Subgrid
    css subgrid
  3. I'm an introvert and I gave a conference talk
    conferences introverts
  4. Location, Privilege and Performant Websites
    performance privilege
  5. Beyond Tellerrand Berlin 2019
    conferences web we want
  6. Building my bullet journal layout with CSS Grid & Subgrid & Flexbox
    css subrgrid
  7. 2019 - Running Up That Hill
    life year in review
  8. Setting intentions and goals for 2020
    new year goals
  9. 5 of my favorite hints in the webhint browser extension
    webhint devtools
  10. Pushing the future of the platform forward with The Web We Want
  11. Inspiring high school students with HTML and CSS
    careers education
  12. Why SmashingConf SF 2019 will always hold a special spot in my heart
    conferences career
  13. The Web We Want Survey Results
  14. Musings on Creativity, COVID-19 and Normal
    creativity musings
  15. Browser font rendering inconsistencies
    fonts type
  16. Web We Want Web Apps Survey Results
    web we want standards
  17. What the heck is an Origin Trial?
  18. Web We Want Progress Update - November 2020
  19. Everything I wanted
    year in review life
  20. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 18 October 2021
    web learning
  21. 20 Months
    conferences covid
  22. A random man walks into my office and asks if I'm single...
    women in tech
  23. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 11 March 2022
    web learning
  24. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 13 May 2022
    web learning
  25. On Depeche Mode and Andy Fletcher
    inspiration life
  26. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 10 June 2022
    web learning
  27. Personal Sprint Retrospectives
  28. Productivity tips: the benefits of keeping track of tasks week by week
    product management tips
  29. 2022 Book Roundup
    books year in review
  30. 2022 Year In Review
    life year in review
  31. An Intro to Trigonometric CSS Functions
    web platform css
  32. What recording 1 second every day over a year taught me
    life learning
  33. A love note to CSS
    web platform css
  34. Greater styling control over type with CSS `initial-letter`
    web platform css
  35. Using time-blocking to increase your productivity
    productivity life
  36. Crash and Burnout
    burnout life
  37. Serving less data with the `prefers-reduced-data` media query
  38. Recomposed: Spring 1
  39. Operating Within Gratitude
  40. Designing for Dual Screen and Foldable Devices With CSS
    web platform css
  41. Building better websites with the Chromium DevTools Issues Panel
    devtools web platform
  42. What's next
    life career
  43. Just Build It...
    product career
  44. On Gatekeeping Design and Democratizing Information
    design career
  45. Instagram killed creativity with the removal of recent hashtags
  46. Imposter Syndrome Driven Design and a Bedfordshire Clanger
    design career
  47. In a world with so much content, SEO is king
  48. When to use CSS text-wrap: balance; vs text-wrap: pretty;
    css web platform
  49. Mental health resets in nature
    life mental health
  50. Home
  51. CSS Media Query for Scripting Support
    css web platform
  52. CSS Media Query Support for Video <source> Elements
    css web platform notes
  53. 2023 by the numbers
    year in review life
  54. 2023 Book Roundup
    books year in review
  55. Naming things is hard
    miscellaneous notes
  56. Surviving layoffs in tech
    career life
  57. Better form UX with the CSS property `field-sizing`
    css user experience
  58. Home Office Kit: Elgato Wave 3 Microphone
    miscellaneous notes
  59. My first two weeks at Igalia
    web platform career
  60. The Curious Case of the CSS Monochrome Media Query
    web platform css
  61. Exploring the Immersive Web with Wolvic
    web platform career
  62. Microsoft Edge is deprecating support for -ms-high-contrast and -ms-high-contrast-adjust
    css notes
  63. Design for Developers is now available in German!
  64. Life Check №1
  65. The Inevitability of Change
    life living abroad
  66. Life Check №2
  67. Web Witch's Grimoire: September 2024
    life career
  68. The `<details>` and `<summary>` elements are getting an upgrade
  69. Web Witch's Grimoire: October 2024
    life career
  70. Brief and practical tips for public speaking
  71. Web Witch's Grimoire: November 2024
    life career
  72. Using the ':not()' pseudo-class to remove styles from ':last-child'
    css notes
  73. You can pay for that: How web browser features get built
  74. 2024 Book Roundup
    books year in review
  75. 2024 Year in Review
    life year in review
  76. There are plenty of non-men in tech to speak at your conference
    conferences diversity
  77. The hard truth about using AI in coding
    coding devtools