The Web Witch's Blog

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I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life

Tagged "career"

  1. Why SmashingConf SF 2019 will always hold a special spot in my heart
    conferences career
  2. What's next
    life career
  3. Just Build It...
    product career
  4. On Gatekeeping Design and Democratizing Information
    design career
  5. Imposter Syndrome Driven Design and a Bedfordshire Clanger
    design career
  6. Surviving layoffs in tech
    career life
  7. My first two weeks at Igalia
    web platform career
  8. Exploring the Immersive Web with Wolvic
    web platform career
  9. Design for Developers is now available in German!
  10. Web Witch's Grimoire: September 2024
    life career

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