The Web Witch's Blog

Latest on the blog

I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life

  1. An Intro to Trigonometric CSS Functions
    web platform css
  2. 2022 Year In Review
    life year in review
  3. 2022 Book Roundup
    books year in review
  4. Productivity tips: the benefits of keeping track of tasks week by week
    product management tips
  5. Personal Sprint Retrospectives
  6. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 10 June 2022
    web learning
  7. On Depeche Mode and Andy Fletcher
    inspiration life
  8. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 13 May 2022
    web learning
  9. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 11 March 2022
    web learning
  10. A random man walks into my office and asks if I'm single...
    women in tech
  11. 20 Months
    conferences covid
  12. The Web Witch's Grimoire // Week of 18 October 2021
    web learning
  13. Everything I wanted
    year in review life
  14. Web We Want Progress Update - November 2020
  15. What the heck is an Origin Trial?