The Web Witch's Blog

Latest on the blog

I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life

  1. Musings on Creativity, COVID-19 and Normal
    creativity musings
  2. The Web We Want Survey Results
  3. Why SmashingConf SF 2019 will always hold a special spot in my heart
    conferences career
  4. Inspiring high school students with HTML and CSS
    careers education
  5. Pushing the future of the platform forward with The Web We Want
  6. 5 of my favorite hints in the webhint browser extension
    webhint devtools
  7. Setting intentions and goals for 2020
    new year goals
  8. 2019 - Running Up That Hill
    life year in review
  9. Building my bullet journal layout with CSS Grid & Subgrid & Flexbox
    css subrgrid
  10. Beyond Tellerrand Berlin 2019
    conferences web we want
  11. Location, Privilege and Performant Websites
    performance privilege
  12. I'm an introvert and I gave a conference talk
    conferences introverts
  13. First thoughts & musings on playing with CSS Subgrid
    css subgrid
  14. Hello world...
    welcome browser life