The Web Witch's Blog

Latest on the blog

I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life

  1. My first two weeks at Igalia
    web platform career
  2. Home Office Kit: Elgato Wave 3 Microphone
    miscellaneous notes
  3. Better form UX with the CSS property `field-sizing`
    css user experience
  4. Surviving layoffs in tech
    career life
  5. Naming things is hard
    miscellaneous notes
  6. 2023 Book Roundup
    books year in review
  7. 2023 by the numbers
    year in review life
  8. CSS Media Query Support for Video <source> Elements
    css web platform notes
  9. CSS Media Query for Scripting Support
    css web platform
  10. Home
  11. Mental health resets in nature
    life mental health
  12. When to use CSS text-wrap: balance; vs text-wrap: pretty;
    css web platform
  13. In a world with so much content, SEO is king
  14. Imposter Syndrome Driven Design and a Bedfordshire Clanger
    design career
  15. Instagram killed creativity with the removal of recent hashtags