Latest on the blog
I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life
- What the heck is an Origin Trial?
- Web We Want Web Apps Survey Results
- Browser font rendering inconsistencies
- Musings on Creativity, COVID-19 and Normal
- The Web We Want Survey Results
- Why SmashingConf SF 2019 will always hold a special spot in my heart
- Inspiring high school students with HTML and CSS
- Pushing the future of the platform forward with The Web We Want
- 5 of my favorite hints in the webhint browser extension
- Setting intentions and goals for 2020
- 2019 - Running Up That Hill
- Building my bullet journal layout with CSS Grid & Subgrid & Flexbox
- Beyond Tellerrand Berlin 2019
- Location, Privilege and Performant Websites
- I'm an introvert and I gave a conference talk