The Web Witch's Blog

Latest on the blog

I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life

  1. In a world with so much content, SEO is king
  2. Imposter Syndrome Driven Design and a Bedfordshire Clanger
    design career
  3. Instagram killed creativity with the removal of recent hashtags
  4. On Gatekeeping Design and Democratizing Information
    design career
  5. Just Build It...
    product career
  6. What's next
    life career
  7. Building better websites with the Chromium DevTools Issues Panel
    devtools web platform
  8. Designing for Dual Screen and Foldable Devices With CSS
    web platform css
  9. Operating Within Gratitude
  10. Recomposed: Spring 1
  11. Serving less data with the `prefers-reduced-data` media query
  12. Crash and Burnout
    burnout life
  13. Using time-blocking to increase your productivity
    productivity life
  14. Greater styling control over type with CSS `initial-letter`
    web platform css
  15. A love note to CSS
    web platform css